Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting to know your neighbors

I really try to understand my neighbors. Years ago I became familiar with Claritas Prizm Clusters. Claritas is a data mining company that tells potential advertisers everything there is to know about daily life in a certain area.

For free, I plugged most of the zip codes in the Arlington/Alexandria area and to my surprise there wasn't much difference between the Old Towners (22314) and the Urban Hipsters of Clarendon (22201). I did NOT make up my own analysis, I tried to tell it like Claritas presents it. So don't yell at me for reporting just the facts. They say you are where you live!

These results are only on the surface, but if you stand back and look at things in a macro perspective we all live in a very diverse and thriving area. I hope you find this interesting.

Here are the summarized results:

Neighbors generally shared by the whole region:

Young Digerati:
High incomes, highly educated, tech savvy, live in fashionable neighborhoods in urban areas. Neighborhoods consist of trendy condos/apartments, boutiques, and casual restaurants. Likely to shop at Banana Republic, go snowboarding, and drive a Prius. Age 25 to 44. About 1% of the households in the US.

American Dreams:
Ethnically diverse (Hispanic, Asian, African-American), one in ten speaks a language other than English, middle to upper-middle class. Likely to shop at Old Navy, buy Toyota Scions. Age range 35-54. About 2% of the households in the US.

Money & Brains:

(minus Landmark)
High incomes, advanced degrees, married couples with few children with homes on small lots. Likely to shop and Nordstrom, contribute to NPR, and drive a Mercedes E-class. Age range 45-64. About 2% of the households in the US.

The Cosmopolitans:
(minus Old Town)
Upper Middle Income, urban empty nesters who live in neighborhoods with a vibrant social scene and enjoy lots o’ leisure. Likely to shop at Costco, read Wine Spectator, watch BBC America, and Drive a Mercedes C-class. Age range over 55 About 1% of US houeholds

Bohemian Mix:
(minus Park Fairfax/Beverley Hills, Delray/Rosemont, and Old Town)
Upper middle Income, college educated, ethnically diverse young liberal lifestyle, mix of singles and families. They are among the first to try new movies, technology, and additions to the social scene. Likely to eat at Au Bon Pain, read The Economist, and drive Audi A4s. Age under 55. About 2% of households.

Unique to Parkfairfax/Beverely Hills and Rosemont/Delray

Upper Crust:
Wealthy empty nesters, with postgraduate degrees. Claritas says that this group possesses the highest percentage of incomes over $100K…the most opulent standard of living. Likely to shop at Saks, read the Washington Post, and watch the Golf Channel. Age 45-64. About 1.5% of US Households.

Unique to Old Town

Executive Suites:
Upper middle class college graduates, live with manageable commutes to work and play, generally white collar professionals who live in the suburbs. Likely to eat at Chipotle, read Shape magazine, and watch The Office. Age range under 55. Less than 1% of US households.

Unique to Old Town and Landmark

Movers and Shakers:
Wealthy, highly educated couples with no kids, many executives and segment most likely to own a small business or have a home office. Likely to eat at Bertucci’s, go scuba diving, and watch Saturday Night Live. Age Range 35-54. About 2% of US households.

Unique to East/West Glebe Corridor

Big City Blues:
Lower Middle Income. High concentration of Hispanic and minority population living in older inner-city apartments. Middle aged singles and single parent households with working class jobs. Roughly 25% of this demographic have no high school diploma. Likely to go to the movies, watch Primer Impacto, and drive a Hyundai. Age is less than 55. About 1% of the population.

More information can be found here.

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